09 Jun Celebrating World Oceans Day at Meerlust
Meerlust joined the Ocean Project with this little event mentioned here under. All participating guests loved it and we all learned a lot about the ocean!
This week, we will make some Ocean related activities with our guests and inform them about the World Ocean Day.
There will be:
a whale watching tour in the Strait of Gibraltar with FIRMM (see their event listed here too)
an educational movie about whales
a beach walk with a little creativity contest:
the biggest, funniest, most dangerous, weirdest,… rubbish found, and what kind of artistic thing we can do with it… -
a visit to the lighthouse nearby
a contest with questions about what we learned about the Ocean during this week.
There will be a 3-days stay at Meerlust to win!
We also hope to find more partners/people in our area to share future Ocean-Events with!
More Info at